Your flash is an amazing tool to help you produce great images that can't be produced any other way.
Your flash could be the most useful accessory that you will ever purchase.
Learning to use your flash properly will lift the standard of your portraits, still lifes, close ups and just about every style of image to a higher level.
It's easy when someone shows you the right way.
Our re-worked 5 week "Flash Photography Skills" course will make your flash your friend.
We will begin from absolute basics and work up to very advanced flash techniques.
The work flow will be logical and comprehensive.
There will be two model shoots for you to practice the techniques and hone your skills.
The course covers:
Which flash to buy?
Types of flashes
Why do I need a flash?
When do I not need a flash?
Controlling the power of your speedlight
Subtle flash exposures
Flash durations
Light Quality
Camera shutter synchronisation speed
The most important flash rule
The second most important flash rule
The third most important flash rule
Cheating synchronisation speed
Manual adjustment
TTL adjustment
Flash zoom adjustments
Using flash in Sunlight
Using flash in darkness
Using flash in shade
Using flash indoors
Using off camera flash
Flash triggers
Backlighting with flash
Flash modifiers
Mixed light flash photography
Flash composites
Flash painting
Freeze motion photography
Front and rear curtain synchronisation
Flash bending
Accessories for your flash
Amazing flash techniques that you may not have seen
The course comprises three evening classes, and two model shoots on location and studio.
This course will change the way you think about your flash.
Numbers are limited
5 week course - Cost $380.00
Next course begins: To be announced
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