Photo editing skills that are essential for digital photographers.
After many requests from students and photographers “IMAGINE STUDIOS” have
introduced this instructional course to enable you to get more from your digital editing software.
Based on the “ADOBE Photoshop” creative suite software that is the industry standard for
photographers, participants will be instructed in
basic to advanced image manipulation and work flow techniques.
The course will be suitable for those with little or no experience with “Photoshop” up to intermediate users.
We will be concentrating on the most useful information and techniques for the average portrait and landscape photographer
however many of the skills learned will apply to any area of digital image manipulation.
A digital projector and large screen will be used to demonstrate the techniques and students will be given relevant notes to take home for future reference
What is Adobe Photoshop
Versions of Photoshop
Other adobe software - Elements, Raw, Lightroom etc
Buying Photoshop
File types
Image capture
Filing your images
Adobe Bridge
Choosing a colourspace
Photoshop workspaces
Opening an image
Image security
Saving an image
Setting personal preferences
Setting up your workspace
Image resolution
Menus explained–
File, Edit, Image, Layer,
Select, Filter, Analysis,
View, Window.
The toolbar–
Where the fun starts!
Move tool, Marquee tools, Lasso tools
Quick selection tool, Magic wand tool
Crop, Healing and Brush tools, Patch tool
Red eye tool, Clone stamp and eraser tools,
Blur, sharpen and smudge tools,
Burn and dodge Tools, Text tool,
Move and Zoom tool.
Customising your keyboard shortcuts.
Optimising an image
Levels, curves, brightness, contrast
Using the cloning and healing brushes
Sharpening Options
Smoothing skintones
Restoring old photographs
Producing quality Black & White images
Conversion methods
Achieving max. black and max. white
Tweaking the tonal range
Adding colour– toning and dyeing
Black & White effects
Working on sections of the image
Using the various selection tools
Feathering selections
Using the “liquify” tools
Transforming - scale, perspective, warp, etc
Using masks
Using layers
Adjustment layers
Plug-ins, add-ons and downloads
Adding text to an image
Colour Pop– adding colour to a B&W image
Changing the background
Manipulating Opacity
Copying old photographs
Restoring images
Colouring heirloom photographs
Toning and DYING images digitally
Sharpening restored photographs
Producing quality Black & White images
Indexing your tonal range
Recording and using Photoshop actions
Automating your work—batch processing
Producing a panorama with photomerge
Adding watermarks to your photographs
Monitor Calibration
Printing images
Producing slideshows
6 week course (2-hours per week).........$550.00
Available as a series of private lessons.
To enrol call Warren 0415 111102 or Email:
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